WYSO Weekend: May 15, 2022 |WYSO

2022-05-20 23:58:26 By : Mr. Mary Songyo

In this edition of WYSO Weekend:

Famed broadcaster and author, Studs Terkel, would have been 110 years old on Monday, May 16, 2022. Today we celebrate Terkel’s birthday by speaking to Avery Gregurich, a freelance writer and a contributor for Belt Magazine. Gregurich recently wrote an article about Terkel. It’s about his influence on journalism and radio and what he might think of the world today.

Then, Executive Director of the Eichelberger Center for Community Voices at WYSO, Neenah Ellis, is back to introduce this week's selections:

We talk to Kevin Moore who has been involved with The Human Race Theatre for all of its 35 year existence. He retired this week and tells us about the theatre’s early days, how he became a part of it, and how it got its name.

Bill Felker wraps up our program with Poor Will's Almanack.